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Thursday, October 24, 2013

HOW TO COOK OFADA RICE AND STEW(all you need to know about bleaching the oil and all)

Ofada gets it name from the locally produced rice which is a special delicacy of the Western part of Nigeria. It is usually served with Ofada Rice. The sauce itself is called Ayamase, the pairing is however so perfect that when people talk about Ofada Rice they are automatically associating it with the Ayamase. Ingredients; 4 large green bell peppers (finely chopped) 2 large red ball peppers (finely chopped) 10 pieces of unripe habanero peppers (finely chopped) 1 big red onion (finely chopped) 1kg of assorted meat (Goat meat, Shaki, Ponmon, Beef, Stock fish) 2 cups of palm oil (or more) 2 stock cubes (maggi) 1 teasopoon of salt 1 locust been (a.k.a. iru, ogiri, okpei or dawadawa) 1/2 cup of crayfish 3 cups of ofada rice Procedure: To prepare the ofada rice; Wash the rice with cold water, transfer to a cooking pot and parboil for 10 minutes Drain the water using a sieve and wash again thoroughly preferable in running water Put the pot back of fire and add water just enough to cook the rice till its done Add a pinch of salt, then pour in the parboiled rice when the water begins to boil. Tips for bleaching red palm oil 1. Bleach the palm oil with a clean dry stainless steel pot. Aluminium pots work well too. Never use non-stick pots or enamel pots when bleaching red palm oil. 2. If possible, use a free flowing pure red palm oil. The congealed almost yellow ones contain some water. 3. Use low heat when bleaching the oil. This ensures that the oil is not very dark when done. 4. Do so in a well ventilated area. Turn on your kitchen extractor to remove the smoke as much as possible. Turn off your smoke alarm if any, you don't want everyone to know that you are cooking Ofada Stew. ;-) 5. Do not leave the pot unattended because the oil will catch fire if overheated. Check it constantly and turn off the heat once the bleaching is complete. 6. Do allow the oil to cool down a bit before adding the ingredients. This will prevent hot splashes of oil and will keep your food from burning due to the high temperatures. Before you cook Ofada Stew 1. Wash and blend the peppers and the onion. Remember to remove the seeds from the green tatashe or the green bell peppers. 2. Grind the crayfish and the locust bean seasoning with a dry mill. Cooking Directions 1. Cook all the meat and fish with the stock cube till well done. 2. Pour the pepper blend into a separate pot and cook on high heat till all the water dries up. 3. Pour the red palm oil into a clean dry pot and bleach till it turns clear. It should look like vegetable oil when done. It took me 12 minutes on low to medium heat to bleach the one in the video below. Your own time may vary depending on the type of heater you have and the quantity of oil. 4. Leave the oil to cool down a bit then add the boiled pepper puree. Fry till all the water has dried from the pepper. 5. Add the crayfish and locust bean seasoning, the orisirisi meat and fish and stir well. 6. Add salt to taste, leave to simmer and it is ready to be served. Serve with Ofada Rice. To get the full effects, line the plate with uma leaves. You can also use banana leaves. FOR INQUIRIES AND PURCHASE CONTACT: JOSETO FARMS LTD IS LOCATED AT: ONIGBEDU OFF LAGOS/ABEOKUTA EXPRESS ROAD, ONIGBEDU VILLAGE ITORI. OGUN STATE. TEL:+2348062735545

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Brown rice is better for you than white — most of us know that! It’s The majority of consumers typically choose white rice over brown rice because of the difference of appearance. While it’s true white rice looks so much more delicious than brown rice, it doesn’t mean it’s the healthier alternative. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, brown rice is the top choice in terms of both nutritional and other inherent healthy benefits. Why Brown Rice? Brown rice is the “unrefined” version of white rice. Before white rice went through the refining process, it at one time looked exactly like brown rice. Brown rice, unlike white rice, still has the side hull and bran, which renders quicker cooking times and makes it easier to digest as it’s much “lighter” in the in the stomach. The side hulls and brans provide “natural wholeness” to the grain and are rich in proteins, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and potassium. For those trying to lose weight or those suffering from diabetes, brown rice can prove a healthful staple given its low glycemic rating which helps reduce insulin spikes. Unfortunately, all white rice packaging has a label that reads “enriched.” Since white rice has been stripped of iron, vitamins, zinc, magnesium and other nutrients during the refining process, manufacturers must add unnatural fortifications in the form of synthetic vitamins and iron so it can be marketed to the public as a “nutritious food.” Although white rice is fortified, it still doesn’t reach the minimum nutritional requirements for one serving of food as specified by the FDA. The healthy benefits of brown rice are listed below.
1. Rich in Selenium Brown rice is rich in selenium which reduces the risk for developing common illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. 2. High in Manganese One cup of brown rice provides 80% of our daily manganese requirements. Manganese helps the body synthesize fats. Manganese also benefits our nervous and reproductive systems. 3. Rich in Naturally-Occurring Oils Naturally occurring oils are beneficial for the body as these healthful fats help normalize cholesterol levels. 4. Promotes Weight Loss The fiber content of brown rice keeps bowel function at it’s peak since it makes digestion that much easier. Brown rice is the perfect addition to the daily diet for those seeking bowel regularity. In addition, brown rice also makes the tummy feel full which translates to smaller meal portions. 5. Considered Whole Grain Brown rice is considered a whole grain since it hasn’t lost its “wholeness” through the refinement process. Wholes grains are proven to reduce the buildup of arterial plaque and reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. 6. Rich in Anti-Oxidants This is one of the best kept secrets regarding brown rice. We usually associate anti-oxidant rich foods with blueberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables. The antioxidant capacity of brown rice is right up there with these super stars. 7. High in Fiber Brown rice is high in fiber and on top of the list for foods that can help prevent colon cancer. This can be attributed to the high levels of fiber naturally contained in brown rice. These fibers attach to substances that cause cancer as well as to toxins in the body, thus eliminating them and keeping them from attaching to the colon wall.
8. A Slow-Release Sugar Brown rice helps stabilize blood sugar levels; therefore, it’s an excellent food choice for those suffering from diabetes. Studies show that those who consume one half cup of brown rice daily reduce their risks of developing diabetes by 60%. On the other hand, those who consume white rice regularly increase their chances of developing diabetes 100 fold. 9. Perfect Baby Food Brown rice cereal or brown rice itself is the perfect baby’s first food due to the dense natural nutrition and fiber it contains. This is a much better choice than refined white rice cereal products as rapidly growing babies and toddlers require nutrient rich diets to help maintain rapid growth cycles. 10. Candida Yeast Infections Brown rice is the perfect adjunct for candida yeast infection treatmentsgiven that high glycemic and otherwise sugary/starchy foods are prohibited during most candida treatment protocols. The natural digestibility of brown rice coupled with the high fiber content can help sensitive digestive systems heal from an overgrowth of candida organisms. Finally, brown rice is simply delicious and a fantastic staple for both vegetarian and vegan diets. Brown rice can be used as a white rice alternative in most vegetarian recipes and provides a full, rich and somewhat nutty flavor. Brown rice flour can be used for vegetarian pancakes, breads and other baked goods. All in all, brown rice is clearly the healthy choice.FOR INQUIRIES AND PURCHASE CONTACT: JOSETO FARMS LTD IS LOCATED AT: ONIGBEDU OFF LAGOS/ABEOKUTA EXPRESS ROAD, ONIGBEDU VILLAGE ITORI. OGUN STATE. TEL:+2348062735545

Monday, October 21, 2013

WHY YOU MUST EAT OFADA RICE(unpolished rice)

What is brown rice, ofada rice and white rice? Brown Rice is a whole grain food in which only the first outer layer (husk or hull) removed through milling. It still retains its fiber and the germ which contains many of the most vital nutrients and is brown in colour. It is a complex carbohydrate that provides 15 essential nutrients. Ofada Rice is our local, Nigerian unpolished rice which is non-genetically modified. It is the short, robust and brown rice planted mostly in Ogun State and some other states in western Nigeria. It is identified with brown stripes because it is unpolished and when it’s cooked it emits a unique Ofada Rice aroma. It is also brown in colour. White rice is brown rice that has first been milled to take away the bran and much of the germ to become white in colour. This reduces the fiber and many nutrients. It is further polished to take away the remaining layer of germ (called the aleurone layer) which contains its essential oils. It is these oils which oxidize and go rancid. When rice is milled it loses about 60% of iron, 90% of vitamin B6, 80% of vitamin B1 and 67% of vitamin B3. Now, having known the differences between these types of rice, here is exactly… How Brown rice helps weight loss and its 18 health benefits Brown rice aka ofada rice is every weight watcher’s dream food primarily because it retains all its natural nutritional value which have amazing fat loss and health benefits. For example: 1. It has about twice the fiber content of regular white rice. Fiber plays a significant role in our digestion process. Because of this high fibrous content, brown rice is known to be one of the most effective natural colon cleansers which aids weight loss. 2. It lowers the level of LDL cholesterol aka bad cholesterol. Having a high level of bad cholesterol in the body is a primary reason for excess weight because it LDL causes insulin resistance and when this occurs it naturally stimulates the body to store fat.
3. It has two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach and promote a sense of satiety, or fullness after a meal. This helps to prevent overeating and weight gain. That is the equation for fat loss; eat less and burn more! 4. While the insoluble fiber is also known as cellulose which is indigestible and has less transit time through the body. In general, the higher a food’s fiber content, the lower it tends to be in available calories. That’s why you can eat a very large serving of salad, which is almost all fiber, and still eat very few calories. And high-fiber diets also tend to be less “energy dense,” which means they have fewer calories for the same volume of food. Thus when you eat brown rice, you are actually eating fewer calories 5. Insoluble fibers also helps the body get rid of some dietary fat. As it goes out of the body via the excretion process it grabs fats and carries them all the way through to the colon, where they are bundled together and eliminated from the body. Hence brown rice is preferred by people dieting to lose weight. 6. Brown rice controls blood sugar and diabetes. It does this because of the presence of soluble fiber. Soluble fibers swell up upon contact with water and forms a viscous gel. This slows down the passage food along the alimentary canal and gives the body ample time so that the nutrients from food is properly be absorbed. This slows down the release of glucose into the blood. 7. Brown rice is important for a healthy heart. Researchers at Temple University School of Medicine report that brown rice is a better choice over white because it has an ingredient that protects against high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. 8. It reduces the severity of asthma because it’s a rich source of manganese and magnesium. just one cup of brown rice will provide you with 88.0% of the daily value for manganese 9. Because of this rich source of magnesium it lowers high blood pressure, reduces the frequency of migraine headaches, and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. With a diet low on magnesium, calcium can gain entry into the nerves and overactivate it. Magnesium helps regulate nerve and muscle tone by blocking the entry of calcium into the nerve, preventing its contraction and keeping it relaxed. Besides, Magnesium is necessary for healthy bones as well. 10. Brown rice provides an excellent source of whole grain for people with gluten allergy and thus can substitute for numerous whole grain foods. People with Celiac disease cannot eat proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and wheat because the gluten contained in them damages the lining of the small intestines so that essential nutrients cannot get absorbed properly, and it (gluten) also triggers an abnormal immune reaction. 11. Brown rice protects the body against cancer particularly it substantially reduces the risk of colon cancer because of its high fiber content and the presence of selenium in the brown rice. Selenium is a trace mineral that induces DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells and inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells. Selenium is an antioxidant and is essential for thyroid hormone metabolism and immune function. 12. Selenium plays a critical role in cancer prevention as a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase, which is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzymes and is used in the liver to detoxify a wide range of potentially harmful molecules. When levels of glutathione peroxidase are too low, these toxic molecules wreak havoc on any cells with which they come in contact, damaging their cellular DNA and promoting the development of cancer cells. 13. Brown rice diet contains a high amount of fiber great for cleaning the colon. In your gut acts as a drain cleaner, grabbing passing nasty toxins such as pollutants, chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals. It cures constipation and intestinal blockage. 14. It is rich in manganese. Manganese can help to keep our bones healthy and strong. It also helps to synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol. 15. It is rich in Naturally-Occurring Oils which are the healthy fats which help normalize cholesterol levels. 16. It is a perfect Baby Food. Brown rice cereal or brown rice itself is the perfect baby’s first food due to the dense natural nutrition and fiber it contains. This is a much better choice than refined white rice/corn cereal products because rapidly growing babies and toddlers require nutrient rich diets to help maintain rapid growth cycles. 17. It heals candida yeast Infections because of its high fiber which can help sensitive digestive systems to heal from an overgrowth of candida organisms. 18. Finally, brown rice is simply delicious and a fantastic staple for both vegetarian and vegan diets. Brown rice can be used as a white rice alternative in most vegetarian recipes and provides a full, rich and somewhat nutty flavor. Brown rice flour can be used for vegetarian pancakes, breads and other baked goods. All in all, brown rice is clearly the an amazing healthy choice. After reading this, I’m sure you want to go all out to replace your white rice with brown rice (ofada rice) but there’s more!
Here are more reasons why you should eat Ofada brown rice instead of white rice 1. It has twice the manganese and phosphorus as white rice. 2. 2 ½ times the iron as white rice. 3. 3 times vitamin B3 as white rice. 4. 4 times the vitamin B1 as white rice 5. 10 times the vitamin B6 as white rice Are there are Precautions with eating brown rice? YES With all the above amazing benefits of ofada rice, you will think there are absolutely no issues with the brown rice but of course there are but the good FAR outweighs any bad. More importantly knowing both the good and bad will help you make an informed and better choice. Here are some issues with ofada brown rice:
1. The main reason brown rice is processed is to increase its storage time. The essential oils in brown rice go rancid after 6-8 months while white rice lasts up to 10 years. How to deal with this? Always check the expiration dates of the ofada rice you buy. Buy small quantities from a source you trust and make sure it is fresh before cooking. Keep it refrigerated (put it in the freezer) or use other preservation methods to keep it fresh longer. 2. The protein in white rice is more available to the body. This is important in parts of the world where rice is the main source of calories, particularly since rice is not high in protein to begin with. How to deal with this? This is easy, you already do this. Include a good source of protein when eating your ofada rice. 3. White rice is easier to digest because it lacks fibre. It may be superior for weak and convalescent persons or someone with weak digestion. How to deal with this? If sick, you may eat white rice but as you become stronger return back to your brown rice. With all these benefits, you can now see why people are talking about the super health benefits of brown rice so if you don’t eat any form of brown rice, add it to your diet immediately starting by eating our local ofada rice. In my next article via email, I’m going to share with you exactly how to cook the fat-burning Ofada stew popularly known as “ayemashe”. What most people know as ofada stew is actually fat-STORING but in my next article you will see the exact ingredients you should replace to turn it into a fat-burning one. FOR INQUIRIES AND PURCHASE CONTACT: JOSETO FARMS LTD IS LOCATED AT: ONIGBEDU OFF LAGOS/ABEOKUTA EXPRESS ROAD, ONIGBEDU VILLAGE ITORI. OGUN STATE. TEL:+2348062735545